Howdy! What’s going on?
Howdy! We are having a good time.

What content do you have online on this website?
It’s in the header, isn’t it? : – ) Castings, screentests for models, behind the scenes of photoshoots, both soft and hard. Often soft-then-hard (or hard-ish). You know what I mean, don’t you?

Are the models professionals or amateurs?
Most of them are sort of “wannabes” (but with no negative connotation, I love them all). Most often they are total beginners or “almost” beginners, but some professional models are around too – professional are fine especially when we cast them for shoots that are harder than anything they have done before. (for example, a glamour model exploring the possibility of doing something harder like getting fucked on camera)

Who are you, and how did you come up with the idea of this website?
My name is Antony Flipp, and the idea for this website wasn’t actually mine.

So who is the genius who had this idea?
I have been around in the erotic industry (which is: some “grey zone” between “glamour” and “porn”) for maybe 15 years, doing everything from Cameraman to Photographer to Milk-Boy to Supreme Boss.
While doing that, I accumulated a lot of photographic and video material that was never meant for publication. It was mostly castings, but also screentests, behind-the-scenes of photoshoots, various fun-stuff, etc.
I showed some of this stuff to friends (in a stormy evening in Paris [really]), and they all agreed that I SHOULD publish this stuff.

Is it “legal” to publish stuff like this, since it was not meant to be published?
Yes, it’s legal.
Here’s why: It is customary that before any shoot (even if it is a “test-shoot” or a “casting”), each modeling person signs something called a “model release”. It means that they release the material of the day, so they don’t “own” it anymore, even if their face or pussy appears on it.

Ok, so maybe it’s legal. But is it also “ethical”? Aren’t you “tricking” the models with a legal quirk?
Honestly, I believe it’s ethical. They are models, or they are trying to be, – so it makes sense that their face or pussy gets published and seen. Besides, they always appear sexy in the pictures and videos, and they get some publicity, so I don’t see any of them complaining too much.

I am a hot girl and I want to model.
Send pictures, hot ones : – ). A good example is on the left.

Is Antony Flipp your real name?
No, my real name is Mazinga Goldrake – but thought to use a more credible one.

My question is not answered here! What do I do?
Leave your question in the comments below – I’ll answer it : – )


  1. How did you get in the industry?

    • For each of us the way to porn industry was different. But basically it was just a lucky coincidence and a passion for beautiful naked girls. 😛

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